Friday 24 April 2020

note to Earth Regenerators

foundations of economics has to be based on the natural world, we have lost that connection when thr gold standard was cut as a based for all cuurancies , and I believe this is when both money and all the eco damage it causes really took off...
Surley if we are to have any stability in the natural world we have to be in harmony with it, I mean we must have a direct link in all we do, use, consume with Nature and its demise.
At present we spend willy nilly without any care to the natural worlds sustainability, even organic farmers and vegans are not more holy than most of us , Its just they see everthing fom a different view point.
Money is only a store of energy to spend and release that energy in all the goods and services we all enjoy, so it must be right to make money direct accountable to ecodamage..
Any changes have to be understood and accepted by everyone, we made the worst change of all by removing the gold standard and releasing huge amounts of money, "ENERGY", into the economy and even with all the so called renewables hitting the market, there is no downturn of the ecodamages being done, as we have not still made any right decisions. 
We need SMART economics where we can spend less, "ENERY", and still get more in results , but the results are differnet to what we have been used to. better health, mind and body,  rather than the lockdowns of ill health!!!!
Man finds it difficult to change his mind about anything , its probably due to security and living with what you Know. but fundament cahnge has to happen quickly and there are very few ways that will achieve the desired out come. to achieve we must change and quickly with the people behind us. that why I advocate a carrot and stick approach, at present we just have more taxes, more regulations etc etc  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Yes but thats what we are doing, we must find ways of fundamental change that empowers the indervidual to choose, thay can have a Tesla, or yaght. but they have to pay dearly for the privalidge of the damage they are doing to the planets ecosysytems. At presnt they are rewarded for their greed and over consumption by tax breaks for the industries that make the products  and distortion around the globe in labour and resource costs  not just in finacial terms but in real ecodamge to the planet.
 I have a couple of things i always like 
1 Money =Energy +waste. but in the end all is waste!
2 Scrap all existing taxes and replace with a single Natural Resource Tax collected at source and based on the Eco Damage caused by their use and consumption plus UBI and a wealth tax.
3 All money must be directly linked to nature like gold was , perhaps it could be linked to availabilty of wild forest area? farmland . or even go back to gold???
Thanks for reading this rant 
It seems so simple a solution  Its just Money Stupid , 

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